Friday, January 1, 2010

Resolved for 2010

Short and sweet. I resolve:
  • To deliver all manuscripts on deadline.
  • To write at least three short stories and one novel.
  • To drop twenty pounds and keep it off.
  • To finish saving up for a house.
  • To do a better job keeping up with friends and family.
  • To pass the CISSP exam without passing out halfway through.
  • To cut down on my political news (and blood pressure).
  • To eat at least two dozen crabs.
  • To post a new entry on this thing at least once a week (on average).
If nothing else, I should be able to manage the crabs...


Author's Log

Completed a short essay for the Writer's Digest success story contest. Here's hoping it gets the nod!

Current Reading

This Christmas I got just about every book in the Dresden Files, and I've been burning through the series at high speed. After I finish the last two books, I'll be reading American Gods by Neil Gaiman and The Curse of Lono by Hunter S. Thompson.

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