Thursday, September 10, 2015

September 10th, 2015

I did end up getting my son back to bed last night... it just didn't last. He woke up again around 12:30 or so and that was it.

I'm going to start keeping a wireless keyboard in his room. If he's going to use me as a bed, I'm going to use him as a writing surface. Fair's fair.

Today I Wrote:

Nada. Today was busy on pretty much every level.

Today I Read:

Two solid links today. One is a blog post called Writing Begins With Forgiveness. It's basically a post explaining that everyone has a different writing process, and you shouldn't feel bad if yours doesn't include writing every day. For me... yeah, that's a nice thought. Not sure I'll ever quite internalize it though.

The other is a post on keeping Facebook from mining your data. It's written for sex workers but applies to anyone who cares about their privacy. I'm a CISSP and I didn't realize how many ways Facebook was tracking me, so I consider this a must-read.

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