Monday, August 10, 2015

August 9th, 2015

Ah, Sunday. Not even a lazy Sunday, just had a lot of stuff to do around the house.

Today I Wrote:

Nothing except this blog post. Damn it.

Today I Read:

More of The Great Divide. Remember HSBC? Or the big LIBOR scandal? Well now I do and I'm pissed off all over again.

Today I Watched:

John Carter of Mars. Bad CG, but you start to overlook it after awhile and find a pretty good movie with some sincerely touching moments. Unfortunately a lot of the action has no real tension - John jumps around and kills things and there's rarely any sort of stakes to worry about. Kind of a shame it didn't get better promotion though.

Today I Played:

Fallout Shelter. While it's basically a freemium promotional tool for Fallout 4, the aesthetics and decent sim gameplay make it scary addictive. I'll mess around with it until my Vault finally goes up in flames, Boatmurdered style.

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